THIS IS ONE for the books this morning. I was unfriended on FB by a city of Albany department head due to my benign comment about the lawnmower being left out by the road yesterday. Apparently he hasn’t lived here very long and doesn’t read the newspaper. If he is going to live here, he had better toughen up! We had a rental on Madison. The entire house was stripped of wiring, plumbing, appliances, a car, everything in the garage, even the mantles around the fireplaces. I DO know what I’m talking about.
THE ABUSES AND fraud in the welfare system should always be reported; however my observations are that these programs are always backlogged, whether it be administrative or investigations. I doubt that reporting these things will, in any way, slow down the paper mill and folks stamping them.
YOU ARE CORRECT, things are totally out of control and greed from the folks getting the benefits and merchants with no scruples will do us in. And there are too many votes in play for politicians to do more than keep feeding the fire. No one in a position to do anything about it seems willing to even try.
HOW IS IT that Joshua Murfree still has a job? If I pulled half of what he and Kenneth Goseer have tried to pull, I’d be standing in an unemployment line, begging for a new job. It’s ridiculous that this is allowed to continue…and we’re expected to pay for it!
COACH LOWE REPRESENTS what education used to be in Albany. Yes, a feel good story for sure. One of the problems with getting older is we remember the past which was so different from what we now see, schools being a prime example.
ARE YOU ARMED and willing to use such force to defend your home in the event of an invader?
FOR NOW, I do not go to the door unless I am expecting someone and I will peek out and make sure it is who I expect. But you are not safe walking to the mailbox or taking out the trash in the wild west Albany has become.
THE ONLY COUNTRY station in Albany. K-Country has no request line, they censor there music, and won’t play “Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die” by Willie Nelson. What are they afraid of?
THE HOSPITAL AUTHORITY hearing Thursday should be interesting. You guys think the authority really has the interests of the citizens it is supposed to serve at heart, or do you think it is just a tool of Phoebe?
THE DEA LOST the war on marijuana a long time ago. They just won’t admit it. Now no drug testing for city workers..Happy DAZE are hear again.
THEY SCHEDULED THE Hospital Authority hearing for 10 a.m.? They love to hold them while people are working don’t they?
THE HERALD’S JD Sumner was on the mark. But in addition to William Wright’s comments being designed to stoke the fires of racism, the “oppressor” comment from the substitute teacher about the curriculum being structured for low income students to fail is beyond ridiculous. Obviously, a collection of pathetic losers at the meeting.
PATHETIC IS CERTAINLY the right word for it. Someone told me to talk to Wright a couple of months ago and I am glad I didn’t take that person’s advice.
SO HE IS finally admitting that all involved were the minority and poor. Now we cannot say minority because it is definitely not that. Poor because they want to be. But implication, since they are poor we should let them slide. That is just what our grandparents did in the past and now we are paying for it. Blacks were not required to do well, so now we have to support them.
THE WORST OF this is that the unknowing and largely uneducated entitlement community does not realize that people like William Wright, Arrival Marks, Sharpton, Jackson and others of that ilk are their very worst enemy. They do not understand that if they buy into the “It is someone else’s fault that I am a failure” the world does not care. They do not get it that if they get through school by lying and cheating as seems to be the path supported by Wright, one day, as adults, someone will expect them to use their knowledge and when they cannot and are fired from their job blaming someone else won’t fly.
DO WE HAVE a substitute teacher in the DCSS telling students that oppressors who only want them to fail designed the curriculum? Do they think society wants them to fail so that we can support them. Guess old Forrest had it right, “Stupid is as stupid does”.
IT IS TRAGIC that they do not understand that some of the people preaching the lies are making a very good living off of them and do not care if they make it or not. I sometimes want to ask, who is wearing the $2000 suit? Who is wearing the Rolex watch? Is it you? Of course it is not but as long as they can convince you to keep buying the suits and watches their mantra will remain the same and your circumstances will never change. You will continue to fail, you will continue to blame others for your failure and the parasites will continue to feed off of you.