Jim Wilcox Archive


Burning a house can be good thing

Normally, a house going up in smoke and flames would cause alarm, but sometimes it’s a good thing than has multiple benefits.

That’s the case in Albany recently.

The Albany Fire Department is working with the city to put some dilapidated eyesores to good use by burning them.

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Albany police: Fewer chiefs, more Indians

Good news this week from Albany Police Chief John Proctor. He wants more “street police” to fight crime by having fewer chiefs and more Indians.

We could not agree more!

Now faced with 43 openings, 15 of those openings would have been filled with sergeants and lieutenants in the old system. There have been 13 terminations, nine since Proctor was hired. Proctor says his new proposal is less supervisory and more “boots on the ground”.

Said Proctor: “We had some people that intentionally did things that brought discredit to the organization, and to this city. It is time for that to change. If I have to have administrators to answer calls, we will get the job done.”

A side benefit is new street officers cost less than supervisors, saving needed dollars to purchase technology that other departments are already using. One example is laptop computers for reports done online, now being done by hand.

We totally agree with Proctor that putting more officers on the street, and using better technology is what we should be doing.

Jim Wilcox1Written by Jim Wilcox, general manager of WALB.

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