I know that there are a lot of seniors that are confused about their Medicare Plan D program in which they are currently enrolled and they are wondering if they should change to another plan. The period when a senior can make a change for the year 2010 is Nov. 15-Dec. 31. A change selected during this period would be effective Jan. 1, 2010 and would last through Dec. 31, 2010.
Most seniors that I talk to really don’t know what they should do and are looking for help. Look no further. For no charge, I am willing to help you by showing you how to choose a plan using a calculator provided by CVS Drug Stores.
Put your prescription drug information together and give me a call to set up an appointment before Dec. 19 when I will be available. If you have a list of your current maintenance drugs, their mg and how often you take them, this information can be entered into the CVS special calculator and your choices in the state of Georgia will shown from least expensive to most expensive. It is your choice then which plan you want to use for the year 2010.
One thing that you must understand is that the plan you choose is based on the information that you enter into this calculator at this time. If your health changes, like mine did, this will change what plan you need. For example, I had chosen an inexpensive plan and then had a heart attack and started using prescription medicines of the brand-only variety that I had not plugged into the calculator. Naturally, that ended up costing me more for medicines than for which I had planned. This could happen to you, also.
So, all you can do is hope that the info that you put into the calculator is an accurate as possible for 2010. If things change for the better or the worse, you can make changes in the plan chosen when the next Nov. 15-Dec. 31 comes around.
So, if you would like my help with choosing a good plan for 2010, call me at 889-1212. Why would I do this? Because I, too, am a senior and work with seniors every day and understand what seniors are going through this time of the year with the decisions that they need to be making. And, I want to give back to other seniors who need my help.
I have developed a chart that explains what seniors need to know about Medicare insurance — what is covered and what is not. I will gladly give you a copy of this chart so that you can more easily understand this complicated subject. Make an appointment with me before Dec. 19. You will be glad you did.
Written by Ted Anderson. Insurance agent Ted W. Anderson worked in sales for half a century, has lived in Albany since 1993. He is president of Dover Lane Neighborhood Watch. Send email to him at aj@thealbanyjournal.com.