Rev. Mackey Archive


Times and Seasons

Solomon, one of the greatest men ever to live, said in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that “there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the sun.”

Every living creature operates by the law of seedtime and harvest. God gave every organism the ability to grow and multiply when a seed is planted. Life in the form of a plant, animal or human starts with a seed.

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Times and Seasons

Solomon, one of the greatest men ever to live, said in Ecclesiastes 3:1 that “there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the sun.”

Every living creature operates by the law of seedtime and harvest. God gave every organism the ability to grow and multiply when a seed is planted. Life in the form of a plant, animal or human starts with a seed.

When a seed is sown and becomes a plant, it is so beautiful. However, it goes through many stages before we get a flower. The pollen has to be brought to the ovary of the plant by the wind, insect or bird. Once pollination is completed the seed becomes a colorful plant. Remember, the flower didn’t just appear there was a seed first. Nothing just happens. Everything was created by God.

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A Step from a Miracle

Miracles occur every day, but many of us do not notice. When we see the birds singing in the trees, that is a miracle. When we see the trees bowing in the storm, that is a miracle. When we see the waves dashing in the ocean, that is a miracle. Anything that happens that man cannot do is a miracle. If you have a situation in your life that seems impossible, Jesus Christ the miracle worker wants to work it out for you.

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The thinking woman

The woman is a special creation of God. She came from man and man is birth through her. What an amazing phenomenon. Through this awesome scenario we can see the awesomeness of God. Oh, how magnificence is our God! A woman who will use her brain can do mighty things. She can build up or she can pull down; she can bring happiness or she can bring sadness; she can comfort or she can scorn. Oh, what power has the woman. She can be seductive like Delilah ; she can be manipulative like Jezebel; or she can be creative like the virtuous women. Chose your model.

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Blood that cleanses

Blood is a precious commodity; nevertheless, most of us get uncomfortable when handling blood. There is life in the blood. Without blood a person will die. Therefore, we must be careful to keep our blood cleanse.

Dirty blood can cause all types of ailments. Naturally, we can produce clean blood by proper nutrition. However, one application of the blood of Jesus will make a person completely whole–soul, body and spirit. When a person loses all of his blood, death is certain. But, there is a blood that was shed for humanity that gave life. What a phenomenon! Without blood man is not suppose to live. But, the blood of Jesus Christ cleanses, heals and saves.

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It’s a boy!

There has been many men and women sitting in waiting rooms at various hospital to find out what their ‘bundle of joy” will be. Some are listening for the shout of a girl, a boy, twins, etc. Technology has taken the guest work out of the process. But, occasionally the ultrasound can be wrong. Many centuries ago before the invention of the such machinery, Mary and Joseph were informed by an angel that they would have a boy. This boy would be conceived by the Holy Ghost, He would be born in a manger, and he would saved people from sin.

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When the church prays

I constantly hear complaints about the problems of the world. Who can God use to bring about a change? God can transform our world himself, but he is seeking for a vessel to work through. The vehicle God wants to use is the church. We have evidence from history that when God’s people pray things happen. The lame walk, the church is emboldened, and prisoners are set free.

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A turn

Traveling this journey called life, we have all made wrong turns. Going the wrong way, happens to the best of us. However, once we realize that we made a detour from our intended destination, it would be unwise to continue in the same direction. As I behold the condition of our country, I am persuaded that we have made a wrong turn. But, there is a solution to our dilemma.

God said, “If my people who are called by my name will humble themselves, and pray and seek My face, and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin and heal their land.(II Chronicles 7:14) The future of our country doesn’t look favorable. But, there is hope in the midst of despair-Jesus Christ.

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A breath from eternity

How can we forget that we were sent to the earth for a mission or purpose. God had a purpose for your life before you were born Jeremiah 1:4-8. The reason you were born was not only to give joy to your mother and father, but God had a mission for your life. You are not a mistake! For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, says the Lord, thoughts of peace and not of evil, to give you a future and a hope Jeremiah 29:11. If you don’t know the reason you are here, ask God. He sent you and He will let you know the reason. It is so easy to get sidetracked from our mission by the cares of this world-the lust of the eyes, the lust of the flesh and the pride of life.

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