There are so many things that go on in life’s journey. The most important thing in life that we should do is to expect the unexpected. Everyone makes the common mistake of not expecting bad days. When prepared for them, however, they can actually turn out to be good.
My wife lost her grandmother a few days ago. It should have been something to expect due to her age. God had blessed her grandmother to live here on earth for a long period of time. In fact, according to His word she lived past the promised time allotted. God said our life span was three score and ten which averages around 70 years old. She lived to reach 93 before God called her home. This was more of a blessing than a sad ending. Our grandmother accepted Jesus as her Savior at a young age and lived the life. We know that she has gone home to be with the Lord.
The family handled it well. There were a few that could have accepted her death a bit different but that goes with the territory.
Ecclesiastes’ third chapter tells us that there is a time for everything. We are all going to cry, laugh, get angry, be happy, etc., but it’s how we handle those unexpected moments that matters.
Reading this chapter will be a blessing to you if you receive it and acknowledge that life must take its course. I’ve faced some difficult days that I thought were not suppose to happen. Believe it or not those were the days that helped me to be stronger down the road. Life’s journey has its ups and downs but with Christ, we can make the best of it.
Jenkins is the founder of True Revelation Ministries, 323 S. Cotton St., Poulan.