Rev. Jenkins Archive


On life’s journey

There are so many things that go on in life’s journey. The most important thing in life that we should do is to expect the unexpected. Everyone makes the common mistake of not expecting bad days. When prepared for them, however, they can actually turn out to be good.

My wife lost her grandmother a few days ago. It should have been something to expect due to her age. God had blessed her grandmother to live here on earth for a long period of time. In fact, according to His word she lived past the promised time allotted. God said our life span was three score and ten which averages around 70 years old. She lived to reach 93 before God called her home. This was more of a blessing than a sad ending. Our grandmother accepted Jesus as her Savior at a young age and lived the life. We know that she has gone home to be with the Lord.

The family handled it well. There were a few that could have accepted her death a bit different but that goes with the territory.

Ecclesiastes’ third chapter tells us that there is a time for everything. We are all going to cry, laugh, get angry, be happy, etc., but it’s how we handle those unexpected moments that matters.

Reading this chapter will be a blessing to you if you receive it and acknowledge that life must take its course. I’ve faced some difficult days that I thought were not suppose to happen. Believe it or not those were the days that helped me to be stronger down the road. Life’s journey has its ups and downs but with Christ, we can make the best of it.

williejenkinsJenkins is the founder of True Revelation Ministries, 323 S. Cotton St., Poulan.

Tags: Faith

Spiritually educated

Arguments lurk in the pews every Sunday. Some disagree with the pastors while others disagree among themselves. Who has the right interpretation of the Word of God?

We must be careful who we allow to explain the scriptures to us. So many people today don’t know which way to turn because they have been misled by false teachers who have given them wrong interpretations of the Word.

Some pastors and leaders have just been teaching what they feel a scripture means from off the top of their head without any spiritual insight. Some have used certain scriptures just to take advantage of their members for their own benefit. Still others use teaching of the scriptures as a get rich scheme or to portray themselves as gods.

Everyone who stands before you has not been called. How do we know? The Bible mentions numerous times of false prophets. These people make themselves prophets without ever hearing from God. They come dressed in sheep clothing but are actually ravenous wolves. They take on positions they know they are not truly fit nor called for, and lead many astray.

Is it really their fault? No. Careful … If not, whose fault is it?

I would say it’s yours. No one can take your place when you stand to meet Jesus on Judgment Day and there will be no excuses. You will not be able to blame your actions on the preacher or anyone else. The responsibility of knowing and living the truth is yours. The false teachers will not get away, they too have to give an account for their misuse of the scriptures and how they took advantage of others. The Word of God does tell us to bare the infirmities of the weak. However, some of us are weak only because we are too lazy to search and study the scriptures for ourselves to know what the Word is truly saying.

We must be spiritually educated. The bible tells us to study to show ourselves approval. Study the word for yourself. Let Christ show you the way. Lean not to your own understanding. Open your heart and eyes to see what the scriptures are really telling you! Don’t allow everyone to speak into your life and call themselves your leader. If they are not teaching truth and explaining what Christ is saying, don’t settle. Be prayerful and allow God to lead you.

Spiritual education comes from the Holy Spirit only. He’s the one who will lead and guide us into all truth. No man can guide your life with just their words. It needs to come from the Word of God. Jesus went away to prepare a place for us and He said He would not leave us comfortless. What words can any man give you that are more truthful and comforting than His? Jesus can speak to you through the Word and let you know that you can make it if you put your total trust in Him. So watch out for those so-called prophets. They mean you no good. Trust Jesus and Jesus only!

williejenkinsJenkins is the founder of True Revelation Ministries, 323 S. Cotton St., Poulan.


Pastor Jenkins: The battle of the mind

The mind is the main battlefield. It gets bombarded with all kinds of questions, thoughts, problem solving, and other things. The mind hardly ever gets a break from being challenged to make things happen.

First, questions of the mind are very difficult to answer at times. The who, what, when, where, and even how; is what makes it difficult when making decisions.

Things can be trying or very detrimental once having to settle with the outcome based on the decision made. There are things that will always go unanswered and there are some things that cannot be changed. We must just accept them and move on and know that they are in the hands of God.

Secondly, thoughts can crucify a person’s outcome in life. Past failures and even success can be crippling. Because of failure, some people cannot move on and let it remain in the past or if they cannot let it rest, they keep trying but still can never get it right. They remain stuck in a rut.

Success goes to some people’s head and they forget where they come from. They become stout hearted and arrogant and even forget to go back and help someone else. But we must never forget where we come from, because we are going to always need someone in life, and it just might be the one who was looked over or mistreated.

Finally, problem solving can become an issue when the mind cannot decide what it wants the end result to be. Sometimes it is hard to make a final decision because we are making it on our own. We must, however, seek God for the initial answer. He is the answer to all problems. We must not lean to our own understanding, but in all our ways acknowledge Him and He will direct our path.

Do not allow your mind to cause you to look at things from how YOU are going to work it out. Let your mind remain on how GOD has already worked it out. A mind will be a terrible thing to waste without God’s will in the decision making.

williejenkinsJenkins is the founder of True Revelation Ministries, 323 S. Cotton St., Poulan.


Pastor Jenkins: Committing Early

There are a lot of things that we learn in life as we get older. We learn how to treat people, treat ourselves, and other things.

The most important thing we need to do is to give our life to Christ and learn to live for Him early.

Have you ever said, “If I had known this, I would have done it different”? Or, “If I could start my life all over, I would do it another way”?

We already know we can not start our life over. We can only make the best of the rest of it.

I have great news for you. If you get to know Jesus now, you will be able to enjoy the rest of your life with little or no regrets. When I say know Him, I am not saying just read about Him, but that you need to have a relationship with Him and be obedient to His Word.

Too many times people wait to give their lives to Christ after they have grown old and have no zeal. It is not fair to wait and give Christ what little life you have left. Not so much that age is the factor, because there are people of age who are great in Christ. I am saying, however, to live for Him now while you are young and have plenty of energy.

Yes, Christ wants people of all kinds. He wants those who are young, old, willing, and He also wants fireballs.

Committing early to Christ creates great benefits. Starting young and early makes the rest of your life good and you will be able to reach more people and have more energy to work for Him. Ask someone you know if they wish they would have committed to Christ earlier in life. I’m pretty sure they will tell you yes.

The scriptures give plenty of examples of people who started about their Father’s business young and gained a lot of power over the adversary because of it. Satan stands over every cradle hoping to change our children’s destination early before they can even come close to maturing in Christ. We as parents must make a difference and teach them that an early commitment is the best commitment. Everyone needs a relationship with Christ if we are going to make it in this world!

Jenkins is the founder of True Revelation Ministries, 323 S. Cotton St., Poulan.

Tags: church

Rev. Willie Jenkins: Let the church be the church

Today in time the church is not focused on its ultimate mission. Notice the statement is “the church”.

Some churches today are divided because most of them are competing rather than working together the way God intended.

Some churches are fighting to be the elite or biggest church. Therefore, they are focused on money. Paying tithes is one of the main issues that most churches deal with. They are more concerned about raising money than saving souls.

It is understood that churches need tithes in order to fully operate, but this should not be their main purpose as a church. Some churches even place their members in ranks based on what they pay. How embarrassing!

God has no respect or persons, and we should not either. Let the church be the church!

Pastors and speakers abuse the pulpit by using the opportunity to scold people because they don’t or can’t afford to pay their tithes.

Isn’t it true in the Word that Christ said, “For ye have the poor always with you” (Matt. 26:11)? Whatever happened to being there for God’s people?

Some people have issues where they cannot pay their tithes. It should not be between the church and the individual if they pay or not, it should be between the individual and God. He is the one that’s going to do the blessing.

Yes, God requires every individual to pay their tithes, but it is not the pastors, deacons, nor any other administrators’ responsibility to “MAKE” anyone pay.

It is the pastor’s job to speak about this matter in a loving and caring way and not with harshness. So many people are leaving churches because of this issue.

Let the church be the church by caring for the souls and not trying to take over God’s way of doing business. Let the church get back to its main focus and stay there by seeking those which are lost and teaching them the Word once they join the kingdom.

Jenkins is the founder of True Revelation Ministries, 323 S. Cotton St., Poulan.

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