My purpose for going to the Leesburg Christmas Parade was to see my son march in the Lee County High School Marchin’ Trojan Band. That alone was worth the trip. The candy falling at my feet was a bonus. I didn’t get most of it. Little kids would collect most of it. But occasionally, I would cop a piece of chocolate. Some of the kids come to the parade for the candy. Some of the kids came to the parade for Luke Bryan. Some of those kids were in their 30s. I heard one 30 year old girl say with authority, “He is going to shake my hand!”
Towards the end of the parade came Leesburg’s own Luke Bryan. There was not a kid, nor a 30 year old girl wearing a bigger smile than Luke Bryan. If you wanted to shake Luke Bryan’s hand, you were going to shake his hand. I watched him shake the hands of two pre-teen boys who immediately went to jumping and whooping and hollering. I couldn’t help but think that just a few years ago, that was Luke Bryan in those same streets growing up just like those boys. For a moment, they were all Leesburg boys. The thirty year old girl was still looking at her hand. Luke came to give back to the community but what I saw was that Luke got the biggest reward. This whole experience was a blessing to me. Thanks, Luke.
I love all kinds of music and I love God. That’s why God has led me to lead a music ministry on Saturday nights called “Cross Cultural Musique.” For those of you who do not remember Cross Cultural Musique, it helps to know our purpose. “The purpose of Cross Cultural Musique is to glorify God by engaging various music ministries of local congregations in a non-denominational atmosphere for the mutual edification of all in attendance.” We’ve had African American churches that soulfully sing. We’ve had contemporary churches that play, well, Rock music. We’ve had southern gospel and blue grass. We’ve had real Cross Cultural experiences.
We’ve moved to a new, larger location. It is at Jacob’s Ladder located at 603 Hwy 32 East, just three miles from the Courthouse. We kick off again January 7th. We already have the line-up for January. To kick it off, The Hood Family and Grafted-In, a men’s quartet from Philema Baptist Church, will be on January 7th. A premier local southern gospel group, Southern Majesty, will sing on the 14th. On the 21st, Frank Story of the Frank and Sonny Show on WWVO will be singing with his wife, Wanda. Joining them will be Rex Hackley. On January 28th, Lonesome Road, a bluegrass gospel group will close out the month for us.
It’s all free. The atmosphere is relaxed and casual. If you want to get up and move around during the songs, it’s your prerogative. Other music ministries are being lined-up. If your church music ministry wants to minister beyond the walls of your building, come join other like-minded believers. To God be the glory.