Rev. Catt Archive


Everyone needs a getaway place

I just finished reading a U.S. News & World Report entitled “Escapes from the White House, a behind-the-scenes history of presidential hideaways.” The article is based on the book From Mount Vernon to Crawford: A History of the Presidents and Their Retreats.

Many of our nation’s presidents had their own estates, as they were wealthy men. But others borrowed or rented homes from friends and supporters. Kenneth Walsh states, “To peer into the lives of the presidents at their retreats is to see each man as he really was, without the facades that so many of them created to obscure their private selves.”

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We can’t be caught asleep at the wheel

I’m reading a fascinating book right now, The First Heroes by Craig Nelson. It’s the story of the famous Doolittle Raid on Tokyo, America’s response to the attack on Pearl Harbor. As I’ve read this book and studied a little about the beginning of World War II, I’ve discovered that America, for the most part, was asleep at the wheel.

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