Soon the immortal phrase, “Merry Christmas,” will be repeatedly shared by friends, family, and acquaintances. The closer the big day approaches the more frequent it will become. But what does it actually mean to wish someone, “Merry Christmas?” Is it simply the expected salutation of the season? Do we think of offering someone a “Merry Christmas” as our way of wishing them a time of joy, rest, peace and a fresh reflection on all the things that are good?
What about you – are you planning to have a “Merry” Christmas? It is, after all, your decision to make. What variables will you use to determine whether or not your Christmas is a merry one? Perhaps for you a Merry Christmas is, by definition, gifting your children the latest Apple product or buying your wife more jewelry than your budget can possibly afford. Will the pressure of holiday shopping and wrapping outweigh the joy of the family gathering? People tend to stress as the lines at the stores, restaurants, and stop lights became seasonably long. On the roadways the driving gloves come off and it’s “every man for himself.” As I understand it, the season is about love, joy, peace on earth and good will toward man. ALL of which, by the way, are bible quotes and attributes of the perfect gift of God, The Messiah, The Savior of the world, Jesus Christ.
Even Hollywood recognizes this season as “merry.” Just look at all the movies that come out this time of year that actually have happy endings. There is always room for a new adaptation of, “A Christmas Carole.” In the classic, Scrooge is reminded of his past and warned about his future should he not change his attitude to one of kindness and charity. Meanwhile, on 34th street, a miracle takes place and a broken little girl, from a broken home finds a new family and a new home. Santa even apologizes to Rudolph for treating him wrongly. Is there any music artist that does not have a Christmas song or CD on the market?
This Year – CHOOSE to have a Merry Christmas. Don’t let things like money and decorations get you down. Encourage your family to spread the joy of the season. Suggest that before presents are opened that you first help at the homeless shelter. Get the family to, “carol around the spinet” and to deck the halls and all those things. Bring a warm meal to a widow or rake the old man’s yard down the road. Have a Merry Christmas.