Church Briefs Archive


Church Briefs


Saturday, Oct. 8

Mount Zion Baptist Church will present “Gospel Goes Classical Celebration Concert XIV”, a festive performance featuring symphonic gospel arrangements with full orchestra and the combined choirs of Mount Zion Baptist Church, at 4 p.m. Also featured with be 15-year-old violinist Randall Goosby, winner of the Junior Division of the Sphinx Competition, all performed in the magnificent new Mount Zion Sanctuary. Info: Karen Allen at 430-8933 or


Sunday, Oct. 16

Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church, 1501 Newton Road, will host Financial Peace University classes for 13 weeks at 6:30 p.m. Sundays. The classes teach families and individuals common-sense principles so that they are able to free themselves of debt and build lasting wealth. Info: Joseph West at 436-7476.


Church Briefs

Friday, Sept. 30

Courageous, the Christian drama film produced by Sherwood Baptist Church in Albany,  will be released in theatres. About half of the cast and crew are volunteers from Sherwood, which collaborated with members of Mount Zion Baptist Church on the production. The film is rated PG-13 for “Some violence and drug content”.

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Church Briefs




Saturday, Sept. 24

Agape Christian Worship Center will host its annual Community Day beginning at noon at Robert Cross Park. Featuring fun, food and entertainment, the free event is open to the public.. Info: Kimberely Barnes at 432-2897

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Church Briefs

Wednesday, Sept. 7-
Sunday, Sept. 18
Mount Pilgrim Baptist Church invites everyone to join it for “12 Days of Prayer.” Every day leading up to the Fall Revival, there will be a daily prayer posted on Facebook.

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Church Briefs



Sunday, Aug. 21

Jordan Grove Missionary Baptist Church, 938 Oakland Road, will celebrate its Usher’s Ministry’s 85th anniversary. Sunday school begins at 9:30 a.m. and worship begins at 11 a.m. with the message by Rev. Roosevelt Carter of First Monumental Faith Ministry.

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Church Briefs

Sunday, Aug. 7

Providence Church, 2504 Archwood Drive, will host Clark and Anne Taylor of Australia at the 9 a.m. and 11 a.m. services and a special evening service at 6 p.m.

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Church Briefs

Saturday, July 23

Terrell Baptist Church, 205 Sumner Road N. in Sumner, will host a sing at 6 p.m. featuring Logan Smith, Mandy Harrell and Terrell’s Brandon Hughes. Info: 776-4561.

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Church Briefs

Wednesday, July 13-

Friday, July 15

St. James Baptist Church in Baconton will host its annual Empowerment Conference at 7 p.m. daily. The guest preacher is Pastor Arthur Jackson III of Antioch Baptist Church in Miami Gardens, Fla.

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Church Briefs

Sunday, July 10-

Thursday, July 14

Gillionville Baptist Church. 4614 Gillionville Road, will host Vacation Bible School for ages 4 through sixth grade from 6 to 8:30 p.m. The VBS Mega Sports Camp will be held on the GBC campus and will feature baseball, hunting fitness, cooking, drama and a game room. There is no cost. Info: 435-9738 or email

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Church Briefs


Tuesday, July 26

First United Methodist Church is studying The Sacred Echo by Margaret Feinberg at 10 a.m. Tuesdays in Building 3, Conference Room A. Rev. Carrie Austin will lead. Pre-register and purchase the workbook for $10 at the book table in the church office. Childcare will be available upon request. Info: 432-7407.

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