By the time you read this article, you will probably have eaten too much during the Thanksgiving holiday and might still be eating left-over turkey sandwiches. As I took time to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with my family and relatives, we discussed what we were most grateful for. I do not know about you, but sometimes I forget just how fortunate or blessed that I am, and more times than not, I take things for granted. As Sheriff of Dougherty County I have the opportunity to speak and spend time with many individuals from all walks of life. I see and hear firsthand how selfish and ungrateful some individuals can be. I cross paths with individuals who seem to complain, gripe, and fuss about any and everything they can find to talk about. I have dealt with people who were so angry and even bitter to the point that it had taken a toll on them mentally and physically. As another Thanksgiving has passed and Christmas is right around the corner, I wonder if you have given any thought to what you might be thankful for.
As my third year as Sheriff comes to a close, I want to share some of the things that I am grateful for. First and foremost, I thank God for the healthy and long life he has blessed me with. I am blessed and thankful for my wife and children who have supported me and made daily sacrifices during my 29 years in law enforcement. I am thankful for the great group of employees at the Dougherty County Sheriff’s Office who work tirelessly to serve our community. I am also grateful to all of our public safety personnel from the various agencies in our area who work together to provide a safer Dougherty County. I am indebted to you the concerned citizen, and want to thank you for the support you give to the men and women in the public safety arena. I am also grateful and indebted to live in the greatest country on our planet, a country that continues to strive toward world peace. I thank every man and woman who has donned a military uniform or is currently protecting our country on the frontlines so I may enjoy my freedom. I also thank the public servants from our President and government officials on the national scene all the way down to the local level. I am also grateful for the many citizens that pray for the safety of our law enforcement personnel on a daily basis.
One of my favorite passages of scripture is found in the book of 1st Thessalonians 5:16-18. Paul is exhorting the brethren by telling them to rejoice evermore, pray without ceasing, and in everything, give thanks; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus concerning you. All of us get only one opportunity at life, so remember to be thankful for each and every day that God blesses you with. Merry Christmas and happy holidays!