Jeff Galloway Archive


The best time to stretch

The best time to stretch is after the body is warmed up, relaxed, and when the blood is moving. Since many runners do stretch incorrectly, it’s best to wait and stretch after warming up. Don’t stretch to warm the muscles up; it won’t work. Stretch in the evening, for example, or throughout the day as you have time. Many of my friends use stretching as a nice way to prepare for sleep.


Train your stomach for the race

Just as you must train your legs to go the distanced, your digestive system must be fine-tuned to deliver the nutrients under the stress of long runs. In this process, you’ll steadily eliminate (or adjust the intake of) foods that produce negative effects. You want to get into a routine, knowing exactly what to eat, when to eat it, how much to drink with, etc. If you adjust this during your series of long runs, you’ll reduce the chance of problems in the race to almost nothing.


Tahoe: The ideal running week

For 36 years I’ve looked forward to July because that means going to our running retreat in Squaw Valley, CA with wonderful trails runs and hikes. But the best part is the people. Half are old friends, and the others become new friends. This is a peak experience for runners. First, the weather is amazing. Usual high temperatures are in the 70′s with 10-15% humidity. The scenery is beautiful with perpetual blue sky (two rainy days in 20 years). The various trails give us vistas of the lake, the beautiful Truckee River, the Ponderosa Pine forests, snow capped mountains ringing the lake and more. Trails are everywhere because 95% of the land is owned by the federal and state governments and is open for use.

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Weekend in Missoula

We had a great weekend in Missoula, Montana almost exactly 40 years since my first visit. As I drove Northeast from Oregon in 1971, full of competitive goals, ready to run with a group of Olympic prospects selected by the US Olympic Committee, Missoula seemed exotic and remote. During that hot summer I discovered that it was actually friendly, comfortable, and beautiful and I vowed to come back. Forty summers later I have returned, run the scenic Missoula Marathon and found the community to be friendly, comfortable and beautiful. I suggest putting Missoula on your “to do list” for marathon or half marathon.


How can I run fast in the marathon when my training pace is so slow?

Answered by guest blogger Chris Twiggs, National Training Program Director for Jeff Galloway Productions

The answer is a 3-part process that has been used by hundred of thousands of runners to reach their goals in a marathon, half-marathon, or other distance event.

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Peachtree 2011: the first shall be last

One of the unique achievements of which I am very proud is…being the first person to cross the finish line in the Peachtree Road Race in 1970. This year, 2011, the race officials have given me a special number that has an “X” on it, placing me at the end of the 60,000 runners. This has inspired a number of thoughts and emotions. The bottom line is that I’m OK with starting behind the crowd.

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Memorial Day

Memorial Day will be very special to me this year.  I will be running through the town where my father served in the Navy and where I started running, about 53 years ago.

In 1956-1958 Lt Commander Elliott Galloway was stationed at US Naval Station Green Cove Springs, FL, and our family lived on the base.  This was the first time that he had been shore based, as his Naval duty sent him to sea regularly.  My Dad was my hero and I wanted to be a Naval officer when I grew up. My positive experiences during this duty station were a prime influence on my decision to serve in the Navy from 1967-70 off the coast of Vietnam.

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New Galloway App

My latest app has just been released: Jeff Galloway’s Ultimate 10K App!
This app has music interwoven into my coaching.  The lolofit folks have a number of unique elements including matching the beat of the music with the pace of each element in the workout. Please share with your friends.

Enjoy every mile! – Jeff


This weekend I’m giving clinics and running in the BIG SUR International Marathon.

This weekend I’m giving clinics and running in the BIG SUR International Marathon.  I’ve found no more beautiful marathon course, and the staff is so friendly and helpful.  Yes it is a hilly course, but thousands have told me that by taking more frequent walk breaks up the hills, they ran as fast or faster than on flatter courses.  This geographical area has been given the #1 ranking by Runner’s World magazine.  One of the reasons for this, we discovered during our running retreat in Carmel in January: the weather can be great here during the winter also.  Have a great weekend – Jeff

What to do on the very tough or fast ones

Almost every exerciser has at least one tough workout every month. Whether it occurs during a tour around the block or during a 23-miler or speed session, here are my tricks for continuing:

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