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BLOG Guide

Albany’s definitive guide to blogging in Southwest Georgia.

Small Business Blogs

CC Processors 101
Cheapest Merchants
Ecigarette Merchants
Collection Agency Merchants
merchant forums

Editorial Blogs

Lon-McNeil-09 Albany On Point:

Blogger Lon McNeil writes about issues concerning Albany and frequently highlights local residents lifestyles and interests.  Mr. McNeil is a frequent columnist for The Albany Journal.

Recent Posts from Albany on Point:


Lifestyle Blogs

KK’s On Deadline Blog:

Lifestyle articles written in and around South Georgia by freelance writer K.K. Synder.

Recent Posts from KK’s On Deadline:


Outdoors in Southwest Georgia

A deer hunting blog by a guy named Gary. Plenty of deer pictures too!

Recent Posts from Outdoors in Southwest Georgia:

Blue Goose Gospels’ Blog:

South Georgia meanderings from O. Victor Miller.

Recent Posts from Blue Goose Gospel:


Political Blogs

swgapolitics Southwest Georgia Politics:

Local Political issues written with a libertarian slant.  Authors, Tom Knighton, Jeff Sexton, and Bill Waller are frequent columnists with The Albany Journal.


A grassroots network of fair tax supporters based in Southwest Georgia.  FairTaxSOWEGA is maintained by Charlie & Suzanne Prochaska, Volunteer Community Coordinators for the FairTax in South West Georgia.

Recent Posts from Fair Tax SOWEGA:


Sports Blogs

Southwest Ga Football.  Blog by Walter L. Johnson III. The online home for high school football coverage in Albany and Southwest Georgia.  Started in August 2009.

If you are an active blogger based in the Southwest Georgia area and want to be listed here, please send an email with your blog’s URL to our web developer, cindy@cindydavisart.com.a

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