President John F. Kennedy’s national security legacy
Tweet By Dr. Earl Tilford Between January 1961 and Nov. 22, 1963, President John F. Kennedy fundamentally changed U.S. national security policy. These changes resulted in structures and doctrines that enabled American forces to fight in Vietnam in a new way that ultimately defined Kennedy’s national security legacy. Shortly after taking office in 1961, Secretary [...]
Read More →Tips for Taking the Stress Out of Holiday Cooking and Baking
Tweet Special to the Journal (StatePoint) Anything to make entertaining easier is a welcome gift around the holiday season. “Whether you’re a newer cook or a seasoned expert, everyone can use an ally in the kitchen” says Anne-Michele Harrington, brand director at PAM. In fact, 21 percent of home cooks have burned part of a [...]
Tweet President Lyndon B. Johnson knew about and supported President John F. Kennedy’s assassination, New York Times bestselling author Dr. Jerome Corsi tells Newsmax. As the 50th anniversary of the assassination of President Kennedy approaches, Corsi released his latest book Wednesday, “Who Really Killed Kennedy?” looking at who was really behind the assassination of the [...]
Read More →Stand Your Ground: A Cry For Justice – When The Law Is Rightfully Used And When It’s Wrongfully Abused
Tweet Special to the Journal Ellaville, GA – In a perverse twist of fate actress Lucy McBath, who plays the grieving mother of a deceased young man in the award-winning movie Stand Your Ground: A Cry for Justice, lost her only son when he was gunned down at a gas station in Jacksonville, FL, just [...]
Read More →No-Shave November: Watson Spence donates to local organization in honor of client and local doctor
Tweet Special to the Journal ALBANY, Ga.- For the first time, Watson Spence is participating in No-Shave November. Some might think it is just an excuse to grow a beard, but No-Shave November stands for a more important cause. The goal of No-Shave November is to raise cancer awareness by growing hair for an entire [...]
Read More →Fort Gaines Health and Rehab Celebrates Bronze National Quality Award
Tweet Georgia healthcare community recognized by national program for commitment to quality care Fort Gaines, GA– Fort Gaines Health and Rehab, a member of the Mission Health family of healthcare communities, is pleased to announce that it has earned a Bronze Commitment to Quality Award as part of the American Health Care Association and National [...]
Read More →Atlanta Journal-Constitution publisher to speak at UGA’s fall Commencement
Tweet Special to the Journal Athens, Ga. – Amy Glennon, a University of Georgia alumna and first female publisher of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution, will give the university’s undergraduate Commencement address on Dec. 13 in Stegeman Coliseum. The ceremony will begin at 9:30 a.m. with the graduate ceremony to follow at 2:30 p.m. The university’s graduate [...]
Read More →10 Golden Rams named to the All-SIAC Football Team
Tweet 10 Golden Rams named to the All-SIAC Football Team ATLANTA, GEORGIA-The Southern Intercollegiate Athletic Conference has announced its 2013 All-SIAC Football Team, Superlatives, and All-Academic Team, as voted by the SIAC Football Coaches Association. 10 Members or the Albany State Golden Rams were named to the first and second teams, two of which garnered [...]
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