The title for this post comes from what I find to be one of the most humorous yet promising statements in all of scripture. I ripped it off from Peter. It was statement he made in John 21:3 (King James Version). Peter made the declaration after a visit from Jesus…after He (Jesus) was raised from the dead…but before Peter watched him fly into out space.
It’s Humorous – How can you just go back his job after what he had seen and done over the last 3 years? In the previous chapter (John 20), Pete went to the tomb and found it empty. The huge bolder blocking the entrance had been rolled away, and he saw the burial garments lying there. Mary told him that she had seen Him. But if 3 years of miracles and the aforementioned weren’t enough, Jesus walks through a locked door and starts talking to them. While He was there, Jesus imparted The Spirit to them. Find it humorous yet? WAIT THERE’S MORE.
8 Days later Jesus walked through the wall again! This time He showed His scars to Thomas who was not around the first time. Tom had mentioned that he needed to see these before he could believe. Then the 20thchapter closes with Jesus doing many more miracles in Pete’s presence. And just before Peter utters the words “I go fishing” Jesus shows up again. Maybe it’s just me but I can’t help but to laugh. Is that really the only words Peter could muster up to say? Not “We will follow you Lord” or “Jesus you freak me out.”
It’s Promising - Even after Peter’s abandoning Jesus in His hour of need, and all the guilt, embarrassment, and shame that he must have felt – God still used Him in mighty ways. Peters’ story tells me that I can really blow it and still be a force for the Kingdom.
How many of the “great people of faith” of Hebrews 11 got it wrong – before they got it right. That gives me hope…hope it does you as well
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