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Welcome to Kattalistt

By   /   July 18, 2012  /   Comments Off

Hello, I’m #NVR and I am a Kattalistt. I am a member of a local organization acting under the title “The Kattalistt Group”. You may have crossed our logo before, you may have crossed other media that we produced, we have been busy trying to show you who we are. And now we want to show you more. You may call us a rabble but we’re gathering steam. You may think us disorganized but we’re pulling it together. We have plans, we are in action, and we are dedicated to the cause.

But I’m getting off track. I am writing today to tell you about our current goals and to invite you to join in our cause. And, at the risk of too fine a point, our cause is Albany. We are interested in spreading information about the events that are going on within the city, and we have built a Facebook page with the goal of spreading this information to the public.

This page can be found through http://www.ChangeIntoAnIdea.org/. And any information about upcoming events in our community can be emailed to theKattalistt@ChangeIntoAnIdea.info so that we can get it into the public view.

But saving Albany will take much more than events. This city has had the breath taken from it. It has been laid low by years of economic depression. It has been sequestered by its lack as a feasible transportation thoroughfare, not exactly isolated from the outside world, but not exactly involved either. It’s time we changed that. Our biggest pitfall is our greatest strength we just have to learn to use it to our advantage. Isolated means off the beaten path, sequestered means secluded, distant from the outside world? It sounds like a good place to escape from the hustle of bigger city life without having to leave the amenities behind. Instead of trying to be “on the way to somewhere” we can be the “where” other places are on the way to.

So let’s talk about how we can grow as a community. We can bring Albany up from the depths of economic depression, but it will take work and it will take a community. It will take a city full of people who are willing to work through our differences so that others will want to share in our culture, our kindness, and our community. It’s not an easy fix. But it can be done.




James C. Malphrus is the founder of Kattalistt Communications. He can be reached by emailing JCM@ChangeIntoAnIdea.org

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