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Orange Salad

By   /   June 11, 2012  /   Comments Off



Over the years I’ve been to many “pot luck” suppers at Church, neighborhood block parties, Ladies’ Club meetings, Sunday School parties, even family gatherings when everyone brings their best recipes!! I have shared and received many great recipes at “pot luck” meals.

As a child, our family was a part of the Community Club, which met every month at different homes. We always looked forward to dishes that had become famous over the years and would be very disappointed if Mrs. Watkins didn’t bring her wonderful chicken pie. I wish I had that recipe. She put little biscuits on top. It was awesome! Mrs. Bowdin’s Rocky Road Brownies were excellent! Of course, we always asked Mama on the way to the gathering what she brought. We knew that would be good! I have fond memories of all these gatherings. We had 5th Sunday night service this past Sunday. Once again wonderful food and recipes were shared. I got a great biscuit recipe, and I shared this Orange Salad. It’s refreshing! I got it from my dear friend, Tommie. It’s great this time of year!

Orange Salad

  • 1 pound cottage cheese
  • 2 large cans pineapple chunks or tidbits (drained)
  • 1 can mandarin oranges (drained)
  • 1 (6 ounce) package orange jello
  • 1 (10 ounce) cool whip
  • 1 cup chopped pecans (optional)
  • Coconut (optional)
  • 1 cup miniature marshmallows

Mix cottage cheese and dry jello first until well mixed. Then add the rest of the ingredients. Let chill before servicing. Delicious!

I don’t put in the coconut, but I do put in the pecans. This is easy and good. Great to make ahead, a day before is best.

Hope you enjoy! Be ready to share recipe with attendees of the “pot luck” meal.

May God Bless You!



Elaine Barrett, along with husband, Rick, owns and operates The Flower Gazebo on Washington St., in downtown Albany and is part of a family of excellent southern cooks. She recently she has written and published a cookbook, “In the Kitchen with Elaine”.


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