This is essentially what I hear from the Christian community when the presidential elections are the topic of discussion. Its either, “Give us Mitt! He will free us to prosper,” or “Give Obama 4 more years to fix it.” I understand both of these when taking a purely “natural” look at the condition of the United States. The most important thing for Americans this fall is to elect the correct person….right? WRONG!
Ancient history tells of a nation of people who thought much in the same way. God had placed judges over Israel to decide on matters of the people. It functioned much our judicial branch does. And like our legal system, or any system where greed is involved, corrupt justices were taking bribes in exchange for favorable rulings. It was happening in the first century as well. The people cried out for fairness and equality…they cried out for a king. If they could have the right ruler in place all would be well in the land.
Here’ what God had to say about their request (speaking to Samuel):
“Do everything they say to you,” the LORD replied, “for it is me they are rejecting, not you. They don’t want me to be their king any longer.” (1 Samuel 8:7 NLT)
The people were firmly warned that they should NOT look toward a ruler to set things straight in the land. Non-the-less the people got what they wanted – a king. Now that Saul was set in place all would go well. This guy looked the part and would surely have all the answers. But things didn’t go that way at all.
What they should have done is the same thing that we as Christians should do. We should consider Jesus our King. His body should be modeling, explaining, and demonstrating the principles of His kingdom. Only He can solve racial problems. Jesus alone is true and faithful.
This November I too would will be exercising my rights as a citizen of this country. That said, my hope will be in God and not in man.
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