Getting Past Your Past

Tweet In his 1994 Oscar-winning performance, Tom Hanks played the role of the seemingly simple-minded yet complex character of Forrest Gump. Throughout his life, Forrest was intertwined by two other characters.
Read More →Behold, I have told you
Tweet “Behold, I have told you.” He had come all the way from heaven. His arrival had ushered in a great earthquake. He was on a mission. He was to roll back the stone from the door of the tomb in which the crucified Christ was laid. He sat upon it like General [...]
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Tweet There’s much debate about the proposed new transportation tax that Georgians will vote on July 31st. According to the Chamber of Commerce, this regional tax will create more than $15,000 jobs, will have a $500 million economic impact on Southwest Georgia, and If it passes, the revenue generated in our area is [...]
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