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The disposable culture

By   /  June 26, 2012  /  Outlook  /   Comments

Tom Knighton

Tweet     For all the talk in some circles about a culture war, many people don’t really understand that.  I’ll be honest, I have only a vague understanding of what some people mean by “culture war”.  However, there is a way I describe our culture and I think does deserve a war against: Our [...]

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VINTAGE ALBANY-A History Timeline Part Two

By   /  June 26, 2012  /  News, Vintage Albany  /   Comments

Walter Brennan and Brandon De Wilde on the set of Goodbye My Lady 1956(1)

Tweet Actors Walter Brennan and Brandon De Wilde on the set of Goodbye My Lady taken in 1956. The film was made in the Albany area and was about a boy and his Basenji dog named Lady. NOTE: Much of the material for the following timeline came from History and Reminiscences of Dougherty County Georgia, [...]

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