WhatCha-Say Albany?

Tweet Albany, Dalton and Rome, Ga are the only cities listed for Georgia as still in a recession. I hope they emphasize to the attendees of the T-SPLOST meeting that all will be paying including them. I haven’t heard the usual wailing and gnashing of teeth about how such taxes normally [...]
Read More →Teens are confusing

Tweet Like the teenagers we struggle to raise, parents are never satisfied. We complain because they ignore us, disconnect from us, roll their eyes when we speak, act like we were born in the Stone Ages and are generally as about as pleasant to hang around as a bag full of angry badgers. [...]
Read More →Internet Doomsday, July 9

Tweet Internet Doomsday! DCWG! What’s all the fuss? This week’s question comes from a retired high school principal who wants to know if DCWG is legit. Yes it is and a very helpful site to help you determine if you are part of the DNS Changer Trojan infection that is in the news and [...]
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