
Tweet Menopause is unavoidable but being miserable is not! Up until the 1950’s women gave birth to children and experience the change of life more or less with out many problems. Then women in developed nations began to experience hot flashes, mood swings, night sweats, anxiety, depression and many other symptoms. Over 70% [...]
Read More →WE NEED YOU!

Tweet I just recently joined the Golden K Kiwanis of Albany and surely glad I did. My friends, Lee Don and Earl Smith have been after me to do so for some time and all I would say is no, I don’t have time. Well, I finally got smart and listened to them and made [...]
Read More →In Bound Gymnastics played host to camp featuring National/International Elite Women’s Gymnastics Coach

Tweet Albany, GA June 11, 2012 – In Bound Gymnastics hosted a special camp last week featuring Gary Goodson, a National/International Elite Women’s Gymnastics Coach and member of the United States Association of Independent Gymnastics Clubs. Goodson studied gymnastics in the Soviet Union & the People’s Republic of China, coached U.S. Olympic & [...]
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