Coenzyme Q 10 or CO Q 10 is something you have probably heard of or may be taking. CO Q 10 is a powerful antioxidant that makes energy for your body by sparking the production of the energy molecule ATP (adenosine triphosphate), which is required by every cell in your body in order to function. ATP also provides the energy that helps facilitate blood sugar regulation, muscle contraction and disease prevention, brain health and proper heart function. Co Q 10 is most famous for its role in the heart.
Enzymes are substances that help make chemical reactions take place. A coenzyme is a substance that helps an enzyme do its job. Without adequate amounts of CO Q 10 we would literally die within minutes. CO Q 10 is often shortened to CO Q 10 or Q. It is ubiquitous, meaning it is found everywhere, all plant and animal cells. This explains why it is sometimes referred to as ubiquinone.
As we age our amount of CO Q 10 the body produces start to slow down. Supplementing with CO Q 10 can be very helpful. Studies show that CO Q 10 improves high blood pressure, shortness of breath, heart palpitations and energy levels. This is a great supplement to take if you are fatigued or have heart disease or fibromyalgia. If you have had a stroke it can help speed recovery and reduce damage from the stroke.
The depletion of CO Q 10 is becoming epidemic primarily because of the popular cholesterol – lowering drugs called statins. When statins block an enzyme called HMG –COA reductase, cholesterol production slows down dramatically. Unfortunately this is the exact same pathway where CO Q 10 is produced.
What a lot of people don’t’ realize is the effect is “dose dependent”, meaning that the higher the drug dosage the more depletion of CO Q 10. The damaging effect of this drug-nutrient depletion is most often seen in people with heart failure or in the elderly. Statin induced CO Q 10 depletion is completely preventable.
For the skeptics out there you can look up Dr. Peter Langsjoen, MD a cardiologist in Tyler Texas who has 30 years of experience treating heart disease. His studies show that patients with heart failure from any cause have low
CO Q 10 blood levels and the CO Q 10 level in both plasma and heart muscle is the lowest in the patients with the most severe heart failure. He says by supplementing CO Q 10 repletes this deficiency and brings about dramatic improvement in heart function and quality of life. His studies also suggest that we make congestive heart failure worse with statin cholesterol drugs.
So a take-home point is that CO Q 10 can dramatically reduced the side effects you may get from statin cholesterol drugs and protect your brain, liver and heart as well. You’ll find CO Q 10 in organ meats like kidney, heart and liver.
Here is a list of some drugs that interfere with CO Q 10:
- Acid Blockers: Tagamet, Nexium, Pepcid, Pepcid Complete, Prevacid 24 HR, Axid, Prilosec OTC, Protonix, Aciphex, Zantac
- Antacids: Maalox, Mylanta, Basaljel, Amphojel, Rolaids, Tums, Phillips milk of magnesia, Alka-Seltzer, baking soda
My suggestion is to ask your doctor about supplementing CO Q 10. It is extremely safe and may make a significant difference. You want to be careful and make sure you get a quality supplement. I can discuss this with you…feel free to stop by Natures Cure on Old Dawson road.