When I saw the article in the Albany Herald and the announcement on TV about Mayor Hubbard’s misguided program to clean up the City of Albany, I had to laugh.  First, this is the big program that she is promoting to help our city.  This is what she thinks is the most important thing she can do to help the city.  We have this huge poverty problem, children having children all over the place, gangs running wild, crime in general such that a person is afraid to go down town or to go to the local grocery store because they feel they might be robbed, and on and on.  And she thinks that what she should be doing is picking up after kids and adults acting like kids that are making our city look like a dump!  Of course, what I am writing is my opinion but I feel that most of you reading my column agree with me.  If you don’t, or if you do, I would appreciate your writing to me at the Journal and expressing your opinion.

When you are constantly picking up after your children and not performing the job of a parent, what happens?  Do things get better in your home when you don’t teach your children to respect others and their city by not destroying the appearance of their city?  No, things get worse and worse.   The total lack of respect of the young kids coming up today in our city to me is incredible.  You can’t go anywhere that you don’t hear the Rap Music? blasting from the cars of youngsters and young adults.  By the way, isn’t that illegal?  Why don’t the police stop that like they are supposed to do?

We have young people walking around with their pants hung low and their underwear showing!  That is one of most disgusting things I have seen being done by many of the young people today.  And when you watch any of the so called music today, we see these rappers with their hands constantly on their crotches pulling on themselves and being as obnoxious as they could possibly be.  What wonderful parents they must have, if they have any, and what wonderful examples they are to all our children as they are growing up!  And the Mayor thinks that organizing all the people who didn’t destroy the appearance of our city with litter and graffiti and getting THEM to pick up after those who caused the litter, is ridiculous, in my opinion.  Be a leader, Ms. Mayor.  We don’t need more of the same that we have had in this city, for as long as I have lived here.

So, who needs to be cleaning up our city instead of Neighborhood Watch groups, church groups and on and on?  She has picked the wrong people to do this.  We need to make those who have done it, clean up the city but not those who didn’t cause this problem which is one of the reasons new companies don’t want to locate here!

We have jails full of people who are just sitting there getting free meals, free lodging, free medical care, and free exercise equipment, etc. who need to be put to work cleaning up our city.  When gang members are arrested, how many times are they forced to paint over the graffiti wherever it is in the area.  No, to my knowledge, this not happening.  These people are just sitting back and laughing at a program to get others to pick up their litter and paint over their works of arts.  The Mayor’s program, in my opinion, just encourages the youngsters with no fathers and mothers that are still not adults, to keep doing what they have been doing.  Quit coddling these criminals and put them to work.  One idea is to get them to manufacture the clothing and supplies use by the inmates and the staff that takes care of and supervises them that are in our prisons across the state, and the nation, for that matter.

Yes, cleaning up our city is important but not by the people the Mayor has chosen to do it.  Doing this, is just another  example of not being a parent and not teaching these young people to respect others and their communities.  Do you think that the Mayor’s proposed program will stop this littering in our city and area?  No, it won’t.  It’s just another lost opportunity to teach some valuable lessons.  Ms. Mayor, please be a leader.

Please Ms. Mayor, rethink what you are suggesting and organizing and get your efforts put where they will do the most good for our city.  Do things that are much more important, or don’t you think pregnancies gone wild is less important that a cleanup program by people not responsible for the litter, in my opinion.



AndersonnewWritten by Ted Anderson. Insurance agent Ted W. Anderson worked in sales for half a century, has lived in Albany since 1993. He is president of Dover Lane Neighborhood Watch. Send email to him at aj@thealbanyjournal.com.