Alston, Marvin Jr., May 22, criminal trespass
Anderson, Scott Ansley, May 23, criminal damage to property 2nd degree
Anthony, Raymond Paul, May 17, aggravated assault, prob violation
Aycock, Teresa Lynn, May 19, disorderly conduct
Bagley, Sanchez Gerod, May 18, public indecency/general
Beasley, Quatabaioun Nicholas, May 18, off bond, possession of cocaine
Bentley, Nicky Glenn, May 22, dang.drugs-ill sale/dist/poss execpt certain condi, drugs not in original container, marijuana-possess less than 1oz., possession of a schedule ii controlled substance
Bishop, Kareem Amon, May 21, prob violation
Bishop, Melvin Marlo, May 18, superior crt intermittent sentence
Blount, Jamal Torquil, May 17, forgery 1st degree
Boyd, Cindy Antia, May 23, theft by shoplifting
Boyd, Jatika Ladonna, May 19, theft by shoplifting
Braswell, Wayman Maurice, May 18, superior crt intermittent sentence
Brown, Aaron, May 18, weekend prisoner
Brown, Alexander Antonio, May 17, ent guardline/jail undr inf w/o consent, marijuana-possess less than 1oz.
Brown, Alexia Mishe’, May 22, theft by shoplifting
Brown, Chachovia Contessa, May 22, theft by shoplifting
Brown, Demetrius Temane, May 23, state court sentence
Brown, Derrick Rodriquez, May 21, burglary
Brown, Henry, May 22, civ contempt (child sup), driving while license suspended/revoked, no insurance (1st off), prob viol
Brown, Lorenzo Lee, May 17, prob violation
Brown, Monyakawa Sheria, May 21, poss consumpt alco by minor
Bryant, Bernard Antonio, May 21, hold for other law enforcement, suspended dl 3rd offense, suspended dl 4th offense
Bryant, Maria Nicole, May 17, prob violation
Bryant, Vontressia Latonja, May 22, aggravated assault
Burns, Johnny Donald Jr., May 22, improper backing, prob viol, suspended dl 1st offense, suspended dl 3rd offense
Calloway, Darrick Lesean, May 23, prob violation
Carter, Buford Jr., May 20, state crt intermittent sentence
Chaney, Chanikki Yevette, May 17, simple battery
Chapper, Rikiji Deandre, May 17, prob violation, prob violation
Chives, Carlton Leonard, May 20, aggravated assault, prob violation
Clinton, Brandon Damion, May 17, interfere w/police
Cobb, Emanuel Jermaine, May 21, prob violation
Cochran, Otica Lakendria, May 23, hold for other law enforcement
Coker, Chastity Heather, May 22, simple battery
Coleman, Jaron, May 20, weekend prisoner
Coleman, Kayla Renee, May 21, acq/obt control subst by fraud/forg/misrep (6 counts), dang.drugs-ill sale/dist/poss execpt certain condi, possession of a scheduled iv controlle substance
Connell, Emilee Iona, May 23, theft of lost/mislaid property
Cook, Donna Priest, May 23, prob violation
Cross, Tashira Leann, May 18, state crt intermittent sentence
Davis, Champaine Telicia, May 19, carry weapon in schl sfty zn/prop as n/lic hld
Davis, Lorenzo Anthony, May 22, parole viol
Ellis, Shontavis Daniy, 20120524, hold for other law enforcement, marijuana-possess less than 1oz.
Ethridge, Hugh Bennett, May 20, aggravated battery, prob violation
Fails, Darryl Wayne Jr., May 19, dui driv under the inf of alc conc .08g more 3 hrs, improper lane chge/dr on rdways for traffic, open container (po)
Finnicum, Christopher Michael, May 18, superior crt intermittent sentence
Frazier, William Leon, May 17, prob violation
Fulton, Keinotaye Antwain, May 21, contempt of court
Garrett, Craig Cornell, May 20, stop sign/yield signs, suspended dl 2nd offense (2 counts), suspended dl 3rd offense
George, Shanika Mona, May 23, theft by shoplifting
Goines, Demontrell Givonte, May 22, marijuana-possess less than 1oz.
Gosha, Krystal Nicole, May 18, allow unlic/unauth person to drive, possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, sale/poss wid/purchase/marij, tampering w/evidence
Grace, Quantavious Vernard, May 19, contempt of court
Grant, Brittney Marie, May 22, hold for other law enforcement, theft by shoplifting
Grant, Jeremy Allen, May 22, contempt of court
Gray, Joel Daniel, May 23, prob viol, theft by receiving stolen property
Green, Dannell Latise, May 17, ret f/trial
Green, Leah Lavette, May 19, suspended dl 2nd offense
Green, Robert Lee Jr., May 22, parole viol, prob violation, theft by shoplifting
Griggs, James David, May 18, theft by shoplifting
Gulley, Anthony Jamal, May 23, no insurance 1st off, stop sign/yield signs, suspended dl 1st offense
Haggins, John Louis, May 19, criminal damage to property 2nd degree, prob violation, theft by taking
Hanna, Christopher Lamont, May 21, prob violation
Harris, Horace Antoino, May 19, hold for other law enforcement
Harris, Kimetrius Reginarda, May 21, weekend prisoner
Harris, Sheila Maria, May 18, obstruction of officers, reckless driving
Hatgidek, Michael Paul, May 20, required position & methods /turning@intersection, suspended dl 1st offense
Hill, Williard, May 19, suspended dl 1st offense
Holton, Valerie Ann, May 21, state crt intermittent sentence
Hunnicutt, Joshua Andrew Jr., May 17, prob violation
Hunt, Kwanis Rashonda, May 20, suspended dl 2nd offense
Jackson, Willie James, 20120524, aggravated assault
Jarrell, Dreama Lynn, May 19, dui (2nd offense alcohol), duty-involving inj or death, duty-render aid, improper lane chge/dr on rdways for traffic, no insurance 1st off, seat belts required, suspended dl 3rd offense
Jenkins, Jarvis Kantrell, May 19, criminal trespass
Johnson, Roger Lee, 20120524, prob violation
Johnson, Ronnie, May 17, no drivers license, weekend prisoner
Johnson, Teresa Joy, May 22, theft by shoplifting
Jones, Dextrel Sharod, May 17, prob violation
Jones, Torrey Jermaine, May 21, disorderly conduct, general
Kaylor, Willie Bernard, May 18, aggravated battery
Kelson, Narada Donnell, May 18, weekend prisoner
Kirk, James Stephen, May 17, off bond
Leming, Johnny Wayne, May 20, aggravated assault
Mainor, Bennie Lee, May 22, driving while license suspended/revoked, no insurance (1st off), suspended vehicle registration (canceled, revoked)
Malone, Jermaine Konkiski, May 17, prob violation
Mannie, Aill Jr., May 23, court order sentence
Maultsby, Charles Bernard Jr., May 23, civ contempt (child sup)(2 counts) ,, open container alcohol-in poss of driver, prob violation, suspended/revoked license (2nd), windshield/window tint violation
Mccoy, Benjamin Jerome, May 19, prob violation
Mccoy, Robert Lee Jr., May 21, simple battery
Mcgowan, Emory Steven, May 20, aggravated assault (2 counts), reckless conduct
Mcintosh, Rollette Lee Jr., May 18, contempt of court
Mckinney, John Will Jr., May 22, disorderly conduct, general
Metayer, Veneste, May 18, driving while license suspended/revoked, stop/yield sign violation
Miller, Morgan Paige, May 19, headlights required at certain times, suspended dl 1st offense
Mincey, Kodi Anwar, May 23, spd 61-65/35 zone, suspended dl 1st offense
Minter, Shaquille Monique, May 18, theft by shoplifting
Mitchell, Antonio De-Lartlies, May 18, hold for other law enforcement
Mitchum, Jamel Desmond, May 19, weekend prisoner, contempt of court
Moore, Basil Lavoid, May 22, housed for other law enforcement
Moore, Billy Ray, May 20, aggravated assault, 2012520, reckless conduct
Morgan, Tarris Terell, May 23, weekend prisoner
Morris, Joshua Edward Jr., May 23, burglary
Myers, Matthew Gregory, May 22, drugs not in original container, littering/depositing/dumping trash, prob violation, terroristic threats and acts
Nelson, Daniel Everett, May 22, burglary
Nguyen, Jason Thanh, May 19, theft by taking
Oneal, Mark Allen II, May 19, weekend prisoner
Patton, Nicolas Metcalf, May 17, prob violation
Penn, Reginald Steven, May 20, d u i-of alcohol/drugs, improper lane usage, stop/yield sign violation (2 counts),
Perkins, Cristal Phylicia, May 20, disorderly conduct, general
Perry, Monica Brittany, May 22, state court sentence
Pollard, Mark Lloyd, May 22, weekend prisoner
Porter, Theopolis Demeatrics, May 17, prob viol
Ransom, Jeremiah Isaiah, May 23, escape, forgery 1st degree, forgery 1st degree
Riggins, Richard, May 22, prob violation, suspended/revoked license (3rd)
Roberts, Haley Danielle, May 17, ent guardline/jail undr inf w/o consent, marijuana-possess less than 1oz.
Roberts, Kourtney Donnell, May 23, criminal trespass
Robinson, Marquis Laron, May 21, prob violation
Robinson, Tanya Michell, May 19, hold for other law enforcement
Russell, Leslie Jean, May 18, misuse of emergency phone call
Samford, William Scott, May 21, interfer w/police, open container (po)
Sanders, Jeremy Oneal, May 18, brake light/turn signal required, suspended/revoked license (2nd), turn signals req
Santiago, Pamela Elisa, May 18, obstruction of officers, simple assault, simple battery
Sesberry, Crecenzi Demon, May 19, foll to closely, suspended dl 1st offense
Shingles, Zerkiya Antwon, May 21, prob violation
Sibley, Ernest Emmanuel, May 17, state crt intermittent sentence
Simpson, Terrance Leon, May 20, simple assault, simple battery
Sims, Derrick Lamont, May 18, state crt intermittent sentence
Singleton, James Calvin, May 20, simple battery
Singleton, Odis, May 18, driving while license suspended/revoked, open container alcohol-in poss of driver, seat belt required
Skinner, Jammie Bernardo, May 22, criminal trespass
Sledge, Cleveland Bernard, May 23, prob viol
Smith, Dekel Hakeem, May 18, lotering on school property
Smith, Denise, May 20, simple assault
Smith, Joshua Adam, May 22, driving while license suspended/revoked, turn signals req
Smith, Lacarrian Lucille, May 22, brake light/turn signal required, driving while license suspended/revoked, red light violation
Smith, Theodore Leroy, May 19, dui driv under the inf of alc conc .08g more 3 hrs, speeding (16-20), suspended vehicle registration (canceled, revoked)
Sneed, Courtney Cha’Nel, May 18, court order sentence
Soilberry, Richard Lee Jr., May 18, improper lane usage, possession of cocaine with intent to distribute, prob violation, sale/poss wid/purchase/marij, suspended/revoked license (3rd)
Spry, Ashley Lajane, May 23, theft by shoplifting
Stanley, George Dallas, May 17, ret f/trial
Steedley, Tommy Edward, May 19, dui driv under the inf of alc conc .08g more 3 hrs, improper lane usage
Stephens, Montravious Deshawn, May 23, prob violation
Stovall, Mark, May 18, weekend prisoner
Sutton, Patricia Ann, May 22, forgery 1st degree
Taylor, Corey Nelson, May 21, sale/poss wid/purchase/marij, sell/distribute/poss ecstasy, traffic in cocaine/marij/illeg
Taylor, Kenneth Lawayne, May 21, contempt of court
Taylor, Ronald Denorth, May 21, attendance of witnesses, May 21, ret f/trial
Terrell, Christopher Melston, May 21, drugs not in original container, possession of a schedule ii controlled substance, theft by deception, theft by receiving stolen property
Thomas, Alonzo Bernard, May 17, civ contempt (child sup), prob violation
Thomas, Antonio Ricardo, May 23, prob violation
Thomas, Christopher Lee, May 19, giving false name, add, DOB to police, simple battery
Thomas, Leslie Nicole, May 17, suspended dl 2nd offense
Thomas, Willie Lewellyn Jr., May 23, prob violation
Thompson, Titus Rashard, May 17, failure to appear, prob violation
Tift, Jarvis Napoleon, May 21, interfer w/police
Timbes, Donna Yvette, May 22, theft by shoplifting
Timley, Russell Andre, May 17, prob violation
Tompkins, Timothy Ray, May 18, weekend prisoner
Unruh, Ashley Nicole, May 22, theft by shoplifting
Valis, Justin Alan, May 22, simple battery
Velez, Santos Lee, May 21, state crt intermittent sentence
Wallace, De’Angelo Montrez, May 19, obstruction of officers
Ward, Ta’Liscia Renolda, May 19, theft by shoplifting
Washington, Chaddrick, May 22, civ contempt (child sup)(2 counts)
Watts, Vickie Lynn, May 21, theft by shoplifting
Westerman, Kimberly Kennedy, May 21, poss consumpt alco by minor
White, Christopher James, May 18, civ contempt (child sup), open container (po), suspended dl 1st offense
Wiley, Joseph Earl Jr., May 18, superior crt intermittent sentence
Williams, Anthony Jerome, May 21, parole viol, red light, suspended dl 1st offense
Williams, Johnny Lee, May 22, violation of family violence order
Williams, Shanorver Landa, May 17, simple battery
Williford, Rosekeither Nicole, May 20, disorderly conduct, general
Wilson, Albert Davis, May 23, loitering on school premises/safety zone
Winchester, Quinterrious, May 18, contempt of court, failure to appear, off bond, prob violation
Wingfield, Rufus Jr., May 18, superior crt intermittent sentence
Womack, Marilyn Ann, May 18, weekend prisoner
Wooten, Timothy Bernard, May 19, criminal damage to property 2nd degree, theft by taking
Xenakis, Alexandria Marie, May 20, simple battery
THE ONLY COUNTRY station in Albany. K-Country has no request line, they censor there music, and won’t play “Roll Me Up And Smoke Me When I Die” by Willie Nelson. What are they afraid of?
THE HOSPITAL AUTHORITY hearing Thursday should be interesting. You guys think the authority really has the interests of the citizens it is supposed to serve at heart, or do you think it is just a tool of Phoebe?
THE DEA LOST the war on marijuana a long time ago. They just won’t admit it. Now no drug testing for city workers..Happy DAZE are hear again.
THEY SCHEDULED THE Hospital Authority hearing for 10 a.m.? They love to hold them while people are working don’t they?
THE HERALD’S JD Sumner was on the mark. But in addition to William Wright’s comments being designed to stoke the fires of racism, the “oppressor” comment from the substitute teacher about the curriculum being structured for low income students to fail is beyond ridiculous. Obviously, a collection of pathetic losers at the meeting.
PATHETIC IS CERTAINLY the right word for it. Someone told me to talk to Wright a couple of months ago and I am glad I didn’t take that person’s advice.
SO HE IS finally admitting that all involved were the minority and poor. Now we cannot say minority because it is definitely not that. Poor because they want to be. But implication, since they are poor we should let them slide. That is just what our grandparents did in the past and now we are paying for it. Blacks were not required to do well, so now we have to support them.
THE WORST OF this is that the unknowing and largely uneducated entitlement community does not realize that people like William Wright, Arrival Marks, Sharpton, Jackson and others of that ilk are their very worst enemy. They do not understand that if they buy into the “It is someone else’s fault that I am a failure” the world does not care. They do not get it that if they get through school by lying and cheating as seems to be the path supported by Wright, one day, as adults, someone will expect them to use their knowledge and when they cannot and are fired from their job blaming someone else won’t fly.
DO WE HAVE a substitute teacher in the DCSS telling students that oppressors who only want them to fail designed the curriculum? Do they think society wants them to fail so that we can support them. Guess old Forrest had it right, “Stupid is as stupid does”.
IT IS TRAGIC that they do not understand that some of the people preaching the lies are making a very good living off of them and do not care if they make it or not. I sometimes want to ask, who is wearing the $2000 suit? Who is wearing the Rolex watch? Is it you? Of course it is not but as long as they can convince you to keep buying the suits and watches their mantra will remain the same and your circumstances will never change. You will continue to fail, you will continue to blame others for your failure and the parasites will continue to feed off of you.