Categorized | Tom Knighton

Pike as pro tempore

Just a day after Christopher Pike handily won the Ward 3 seat, Commissioner Tommie Postell wants to ignore the city charter (Well, I think he just wants to amend it, but the effect will be the same) by blocking him taking the title of mayor pro tempore. Now, keep in mind that this position is a rotating title that only has an effect of the Mayor isn’t at meetings, and then it’s just to preside over the meeting.

You see, several months ago, Morris Gurr announced that he wouldn’t be seeking re-election. For a while, they knew that the Ward 3 Commissioner would be the next mayor pro tempore.

Commissioner Postell said that it wasn’t anything against Pike, that he’d be making the same points if Williams had won. Really? Well then, why in the Hell didn’t you mention this a couple of months ago? I mean, it ain’t like you didn’t see this coming.

The thing is, I think he did. And I think he expected Arthur Williams to sit on the Commission again. And, what’s more, I suspect that had Williams won, we wouldn’t be having this conversation. If someone else had made the same comment, Postell would have cited Williams’ 22 years of experience as evidence that he should be allowed to sit at Mayor Pro Tempore.

Yeah, I think this was a slam against Pike and what Pike represents. Pike is an unknown for someone like Postell. This makes him a problem. Postell isn’t comfortable with someone like Pike possibly calling the shots during a Commission meeting. Despite his protestations to the contrary, it is personal…and pathetic.

Let’s face it. If it wasn’t personal, it would have been mentioned a couple of months ago when the outcome of the election was in doubt.

Well, the vote was taken to change the charter, and it was a 3-3 tie since Mayor Adams was out of town. What was interesting was that the vote went down racial lines. Postell, Jon Howard, and Dorothy Hubbard voted to block; while Bob Langstaff, Roger Marietta, and Morris Gurr voted against the measure. Three white commissioners vote to protect an incoming black commissioner. Frankly, that makes me incredibly happy.

I want to applaud commissioners Langstaff, Marietta, and Gurr on their vote. I don’t say those words that often, but this is definitely the case that it’s warranted on this one. Christopher Pike won, and now the machinations of government need to chug on with him in place.

As it stands now, it will. Unfortunately, Postell plans to bring it back up when the Mayor is back in town. I suspect I know how the Mayor will vote…with his good buddy Postell.

And frankly, it’ll be a travesty if he does.

tomknightonWritten by Tom Knighton. Read his blog at SWGA A lifelong political junkie, Tom started out his adult life as a journalism major at Darton College before leaving school to serve his nation as a U.S. Navy Corpsman. Through the years, he has watched government from outside and inside. A former Reagan supporter, then later a Democrat, Tom now finds himself quite comfortable as a card carrying Libertarian and all around smart-elec.

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2 Responses to “Pike as pro tempore”

  1. Proctor Johnston says:

    I was the last serving, elected, Mayor Pro-tem, serving two terms. After I chose not to run for re-election, I urged Harry Goldstein to run for the position and he gave up his commission seat to do this. He was elected and served about 90 days before a federal judge abolished the office. I was a political neophyte, just like Chris Pike and I think he will do an excellent job, if given the chance.

    Proctor Johnston

  2. Martha Baker says:

    See When what goes on in the city,if they(the commisioners,chage the laws to suit them.I Say Go chris.Dont let any of them back you in a corner.You have worked hard to get where you are,and you have alot of people watching out for you and your rights as a person who is trying to help Albany.And God knows they need it.I have seen it from the top people,Mayor,Alfrd Lott,city att,Davis.If it dont go the way the wont it to they just chage the laws to fit there way.Hey,and they get away with it.If the Mayor cant be there at meetings,someone has to call the shots.I d rahter it be Pike than the ones who have been doing it.We all see what that has gotten us.Goooooooooo Chris


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