DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT IS GOING to happen regardless of what anyone
says. The commission has made that clear. What people are asking for and have a right to is that ADICA be rid of the crooks who have already been caught with a hand in the kitty and for its daily business be done transparently and legally.
I SURE HOPE LAJUANA Woods’ repayment of the $50,000 to ADICA is via a signed contract that outlines the amount owed, amount of monthly payments, etc. That will be the true test to determine if ADICA is on the right track or not.
GOOD POINT. AFTER HAVING to deal with the aftermath of Buie’s promises, I’d think they’d know better … but this is ADICA we’re talking about here.
JAMES TAYLOR (THANKFULLY!) IS no Don Buie. I trust Mr. Taylor to have all of his i’s dotted and t’s crossed.
IS THE BAR FOR good governance so low in Albany that we are willing to accept an e-mail from a board member without the common sense, business sense or ethical sense to take the money in the first place, as closure on this chapter of ADICA’s fiscal malfeasance? Are there penalties for late or nonpayment, is the “loan” secured, will interest be paid? Where do you sign up? I’m sure most of us could use $50K interest-free for a year or two. Meanwhile, over at Dollar Square, we’re out $40K (anyone really think that will be repaid) and ADICA is going to pay the County back rent with money from … us the taxpayers and Mr. Taylor is “desperately trying to find funds to pay operating expenses” and that to will come from the taxpayers. It’s time for ADICA to go and this shell game of money shuffling to stop.
… AND YET NO ONE has been arrested.
THIS IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE of the incompetency of the ADICA board. Ms. Woods should be forced to immediately repay the “grant” in ONE installment of $50,000 with interest. One of two things will happen with both resulting in the $50K never being completely repaid: (1) Ms Woods will go to jail when the GBI finishes their investigation or (2) Ms Woods will make payments for a couple of months and stop … and, then like every other controversy in this town, it will be forgotten as our attention is focused on the next scandal.
THE FACT THAT THE repayment “plan” suggested is even being considered speaks volumes. We’re talking $50K and everyone agrees (don’t they) that it was granted illegally but we’re going to accept payments with no security and no interest. My taxes are not $50K, but if I don’t pay them on time the city/county will put my house on the block in a heartbeat. Disband ADICA, reduce spending (services) to a level commensurate with the local economic condition and work hard at finding some wealth creating business.
DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT IS GOING to happen regardless of what anyone
says. The commission has made that clear. What people are asking for and have a right to is that ADICA be rid of the crooks who have already been caught with a hand in the kitty and for its daily business be done transparently and legally.
TALK IS CHEAP. EVICT Tim Washington and sue him for the back rent. How is it beneficial for our tax dollars to be wasted by subsidizing a private store? It’s called the FREE MARKET SYSTEM, since the commission has never heard of such. If he can’t make enough to pay rent then he must close down and make way for someone else that can. Throwing tax dollars at the problem will not make his business profitable since the already illegally spent money hasn’t yet. Why has the mayor, the commission, and ADICA’s derelict board not learned anything from this crisis?
MANUFACTURING IS THE MOST necessary segment that is dropping out – here and nationwide. It appears we are destined to become a nation of retail businesses selling junk from China, third-world textile products, and cheap burgers and fries. And our local demographics don’t help the situation at all. I keep going back to the same question – “Why come to Albany?” When driving around Albany, take note of the title pawn shops and furniture rental stores. Look at the general rundown nature of Slappey, Broad, Pine and Oglethorpe which were once thriving roadways. Now, ask yourself: Do things look inviting – or cheap and trashy – to those wanting to relocate or form a business here? Heck, Olive Garden may provide some of the better jobs Albany can reasonably attract–creates more jobs than a McDonalds. Wouldn’t you rather have a good pasta dish than another dollar burger shop? Once the gator gets you in a death roll, things are kinda tough. Albany is there. Meanwhile, in the background. “everything is beautiful” is being hummed by our government and civic leaders.
I THINK ONE HAS to be careful when discussing statistics for the State of Georgia. With Atlanta weighing in at over 5 million people, when one compares Albany’s median income with the rest of the state, you need to either exclude the Metro Atlanta area or make an adjustment for it. You simply can’t compare median income levels between urban and semi-rural areas directly. These are not apples and apples. Rural area median incomes are never as high as urban areas. I disagree with your suggestion to continue to attempt to find new manufacturing jobs for South Georgia. Manufacturing in the USA has been exported to other nations. To continue to hang your hopes that well paying manufacturing jobs will come to South Georgia, bringing competitive wages, is not realistic. Manufacturing wages now compete with Asia NOT with other areas within Georgia. In order to compete in the manufacturing sector, the taxpayers in Georgia would have to subside AGAIN with tax breaks for the manufacturing sector in order to entice them away from Asia and into South Georgia.
WhatCha-Say, Albany? Is an anonymous forum about local issues compiled from edited comments made on , , , , other websites, and reader emails. Personal attacks and known inaccuracies are not published. To participate, ajournal@thealbanyjournal.comemail . The Albany Journal is not responsible for views published in WhatCha-Say, Albany?
DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT IS GOING to happen regardless of what anyone
says. The commission has made that clear. What people are asking for and have a right to is that ADICA be rid of the crooks who have already been caught with a hand in the kitty and for its daily business be done transparently and legally.
I SURE HOPE LAJUANA Woods’ repayment of the $50,000 to ADICA is via a signed contract that outlines the amount owed, amount of monthly payments, etc. That will be the true test to determine if ADICA is on the right track or not.
GOOD POINT. AFTER HAVING to deal with the aftermath of Buie’s promises, I’d think they’d know better … but this is ADICA we’re talking about here.
JAMES TAYLOR (THANKFULLY!) IS no Don Buie. I trust Mr. Taylor to have all of his i’s dotted and t’s crossed.
IS THE BAR FOR good governance so low in Albany that we are willing to accept an e-mail from a board member without the common sense, business sense or ethical sense to take the money in the first place, as closure on this chapter of ADICA’s fiscal malfeasance? Are there penalties for late or nonpayment, is the “loan” secured, will interest be paid? Where do you sign up? I’m sure most of us could use $50K interest-free for a year or two. Meanwhile, over at Dollar Square, we’re out $40K (anyone really think that will be repaid) and ADICA is going to pay the County back rent with money from … us the taxpayers and Mr. Taylor is “desperately trying to find funds to pay operating expenses” and that to will come from the taxpayers. It’s time for ADICA to go and this shell game of money shuffling to stop.
… AND YET NO ONE has been arrested.
THIS IS ANOTHER EXAMPLE of the incompetency of the ADICA board. Ms. Woods should be forced to immediately repay the “grant” in ONE installment of $50,000 with interest. One of two things will happen with both resulting in the $50K never being completely repaid: (1) Ms Woods will go to jail when the GBI finishes their investigation or (2) Ms Woods will make payments for a couple of months and stop … and, then like every other controversy in this town, it will be forgotten as our attention is focused on the next scandal.
THE FACT THAT THE repayment “plan” suggested is even being considered speaks volumes. We’re talking $50K and everyone agrees (don’t they) that it was granted illegally but we’re going to accept payments with no security and no interest. My taxes are not $50K, but if I don’t pay them on time the city/county will put my house on the block in a heartbeat. Disband ADICA, reduce spending (services) to a level commensurate with the local economic condition and work hard at finding some wealth creating business.
DOWNTOWN REDEVELOPMENT IS GOING to happen regardless of what anyone
says. The commission has made that clear. What people are asking for and have a right to is that ADICA be rid of the crooks who have already been caught with a hand in the kitty and for its daily business be done transparently and legally.
TALK IS CHEAP. EVICT Tim Washington and sue him for the back rent. How is it beneficial for our tax dollars to be wasted by subsidizing a private store? It’s called the FREE MARKET SYSTEM, since the commission has never heard of such. If he can’t make enough to pay rent then he must close down and make way for someone else that can. Throwing tax dollars at the problem will not make his business profitable since the already illegally spent money hasn’t yet. Why has the mayor, the commission, and ADICA’s derelict board not learned anything from this crisis?
MANUFACTURING IS THE MOST necessary segment that is dropping out – here and nationwide. It appears we are destined to become a nation of retail businesses selling junk from China, third-world textile products, and cheap burgers and fries. And our local demographics don’t help the situation at all. I keep going back to the same question – “Why come to Albany?” When driving around Albany, take note of the title pawn shops and furniture rental stores. Look at the general rundown nature of Slappey, Broad, Pine and Oglethorpe which were once thriving roadways. Now, ask yourself: Do things look inviting – or cheap and trashy – to those wanting to relocate or form a business here? Heck, Olive Garden may provide some of the better jobs Albany can reasonably attract–creates more jobs than a McDonalds. Wouldn’t you rather have a good pasta dish than another dollar burger shop? Once the gator gets you in a death roll, things are kinda tough. Albany is there. Meanwhile, in the background. “everything is beautiful” is being hummed by our government and civic leaders.
I THINK ONE HAS to be careful when discussing statistics for the State of Georgia. With Atlanta weighing in at over 5 million people, when one compares Albany’s median income with the rest of the state, you need to either exclude the Metro Atlanta area or make an adjustment for it. You simply can’t compare median income levels between urban and semi-rural areas directly. These are not apples and apples. Rural area median incomes are never as high as urban areas. I disagree with your suggestion to continue to attempt to find new manufacturing jobs for South Georgia. Manufacturing in the USA has been exported to other nations. To continue to hang your hopes that well paying manufacturing jobs will come to South Georgia, bringing competitive wages, is not realistic. Manufacturing wages now compete with Asia NOT with other areas within Georgia. In order to compete in the manufacturing sector, the taxpayers in Georgia would have to subside AGAIN with tax breaks for the manufacturing sector in order to entice them away from Asia and into South Georgia.