The heartfelt and touching feedback received by the GraceWay Recovery Residence’s staff members, who are on the front lines witnessing the consequences of substance abuse and addition, is nearly enough to keep the place going – even during touch financial times.
But not quite.
And now more than ever, GraceWay needs the Albany community to help it survive.
For the past four Novembers, television cooking sensation and Albany native Paula Deen has spoiled GraceWay, so to speak, by holding fund-raisers for the recovery residence. Indeed, about a third of the nonprofit organization’s income has been garnered with Deen’s help in recent years. But Deen isn’t returning this year.
GraceWay’s financial burden and passionate calling to assist very sick women is enormous, says development director Liz Dixon.
“Ours is a life and death mission,” she said.
Past and president residents say that GraceWay teaches its program participants how to live sober, be of service, and live joyously and freely. One resident put it more dramatically, saying. “I have no illusions that I would still be alive were it not for GraceWay.”
GraceWay’s doors must stay open. We encourage everyone in Albany whose financial situation allows it to make a donation to this critical component of our community. Dixon can be reached at 447-4500 and