A domestic terrorist, according to Wikipedia, is one who is a citizen of the country the acts of terrorism is directed against. Domestic terrorists often push “for only certain goals rather than the disestablishment of government as in anarchy,” Wikipedia says. The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation has three categories for classifying terrorism: left-wing, right-wing, and special-interest extremists.
Does the Dougherty County Taxpayer’s Association resemble a domestic terrorist organization?
Albany City Commissioner Roger Marietta says so.
But he won’t say how.
In a television interview and on at least one other occasion last week, Marietta likened the community’s taxpayer advocacy group – whose membership ranges in age from 20-something to 80-something – to a terrorist organization.
Marietta didn’t elaborate, and refused to answer The Albany Journal’s questions about the matter, but was specifically referring to the group’s efforts to replace Ward 5 City Commissioner Bob Langstaff this fall with political newcomer Terry Hart.
The association’s endorsement of Hart, Marietta predicted, would be like a “kiss of death” to Hart’s candidacy.
Richard Thomas, the taxpayer group’s co-chairman, says Marietta’s perspective is duly noted.
“Roger, of all things, is a (Darton College) political science instructor and should be much more sensitive to the public domain and rights as taxpaying citizens who vote,” he said. “As far as I am concerned, I am taking notes and will use it to vote him out of office in three years.”
Noting that city official lied to Marietta recently about a key community issue, Taxpayer Association member Bo Henry added: “If a group of concerned, tax paying, business owning citizens are called domestic terrorists, what does he call an employee who lies to him? ‘A department director.’ That is sad.”
Story written by Kevin Hogencamp