
Why the city broke the law when it procured a redevelopment consultant!

3 Comments 12 March 2009

In response to our breaking story in yesterday’s Journal, a city of Albany commissioner says HE WAS TOLD by a city official that City Manager Alfred Lott’ broke the law when he didn’t solicit bids for a redevelopmet plan consultant because the consultants (an Atlanta law firm partnering with another consultant) were the only people capable of doing the job!

Very, very creative — in a white-collar criminal sort of way.

As always, I invited the city commissioner to encourage Lott to provide an official response to our story. So far, all’s mum.

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admin - who has written 680 posts on The Albany Journal.


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3 Comments so far

  1. Anonymous says:

    Great story on the city manager’s no-bid contract. Will there be any consequences?

  2. Anonymous says:

    It amazes me what the City Manager continues to get away with while the Mayor & Commissioners sit back doing nothing. Continue to expose this stuff, Kevin, maybe one day the citizens of Dougherty County will get tired of these bozo's & take some action.

  3. Anonymous says:

    Great post, Kevin. I like what you are doing. Seeking and reporting the truth. Best wishes.

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