With hypocrisy, cronyism and corruption becoming the staples of our local government, the downward spiral will continue – unless Bo Dorough is elected on Nov. 6
Is Albany, Ga., our beloved hometown, better off than it was four years ago, when Mayor Willie Adams was elected?
Judge for yourself:
Our population is smaller.
Our poorest citizens are poorer.
Our industrial base is weaker.
Our taxes are higher.
Our leaders lie.
Downtown revitalization is in peril.
Our sales tax money is illegally spent.
Our city manager illegally withholds records.
Consultants are hired without competitive bids.
Personnel files disappear.
New rules at city hall quash citizen participation.
The sign ordinance, restaurant smoking ban, Sunday alcohol sales, and other city laws have been selectively enforced.
The SWAT team crumbled.
Drug squad positions aren’t filled.
The hostage negotiation team disintegrated.
The community policing council was abolished.
The relationships between the Police Department and other criminal justice agencies are worse than ever.
The chance of being murdered is greater.
Citizen inquiries about rapes, domestic violence, and robberies go unanswered.
Our police chief accepts no responsibility for his department’s shortcomings.
The city manager says the police chief is doing his job magnificently.
And – in spite of everything listed above — the mayor says that the city manager and police chief are doing their jobs magnificently.
Indeed, both of their personnel records are immaculate.
Government under Adams is a prototype of hypocrisy. It talks one way and acts another; it blathers of convincing judges to banish criminals from the community, while scoffing at laws it considers inconvenient; and it overtaxes us by millions of dollars every year, while claiming to be efficient spenders.
So, what do you think? For those of you who don’t regularly read this newspaper, you may not be aware of the hard facts associated with the statements I made above. There is documentation associated with each of them; if you want it, just drop me a line, or check out my blog — kevinhogencampalbanyjournal.blogspot.com.
Albany doesn’t have a mayor now; we have a charming little socialite chairman of the board. Adams is friendly, he makes everyone laugh, and he truly enjoys the job and the status the position brings. Regrettably, though, our mayor’s ethical shortcomings stand in the way of him being a successful statesman.
The mayor using a police captain to drive him around, claiming that it’s his bodyguard, certainly isn’t the biggest problem plaguing our community, for sure. But the scenario, and the mayor’s refusal to answer questions or supply records about the arrangement to use the captain’s services, is symbolic of the arrogance and – more importantly — the waste atop the city government food chain.
Bad government lies at the root of the crises in our community. The first collapse at city hall since the 2004 election of Adams and his adversary-turned-ally, City Commissioner Tommie Postell, was that of the professional human resource management function of city government. Next came the most critical element of service delivery – the Police Department, under the leadership and lack thereof of James Younger, and despite the continued admirable efforts of much of its rank-and-file.
Does anyone remember Adams pre- and post-election assurances and goals? I do — and each has been for naught. For example, Adams said he would help bring the high school graduation rate to 90 percent; our community would be safer and cleaner; the airport would be relocated to another city so that it would serve all of Southwest Georgia; and that he would serve only one term.
In a letter soliciting support for his re-election bid, Adams touts educational gains as being among his accomplishments.
Say what?
Not only did Adams not improve the graduation rate, he didn’t try; city staffers and education officials held one education town hall meeting on Adams’ behalf in four years.
Adams’ campaign propaganda also says that the city built it reserve fund from nothing to $11 million in four years. The truth is the city had $4.5 million on the fund when Adams was elected. And the rest of the truth is, of the $11 million, $2.8 million has been committed to subsidize the public employees’ group health plan.
So, is Bo Dorough, who has served as Ward 4 commissioner for eight years, a godsend? That’s not clear, but what we do know is that Dorough has the ethical fortitude to do the right thing.
Isn’t honesty what we want most out of government?
Dorough has proven that time and time again, perhaps to his political peril — like voting to increase business license fees even as Adams changed his vote – that the next election doesn’t matter.
Look at Dorough’s taxpayer-funded expense account. I did. Dorough barely spends any of his $7,500 annual allotment, while Adams spends nearly all of his $10,000 – sometimes illegally, according to the city attorney, who works for Adams and his colleagues.
That’s as good a gauge as there is for judging how careful the two are – or aren’t – with our money.
Through his actions (aka votes), it seems that Dorough would just assume lose friends than make them happy at taxpayers’ expense.
I like that.
What a refreshing change it would be to have Dorough in office.
It’s been a brutal four years for city government. Let’s make a change on Nov. 6.
So he gives a notice that is months long. What’s up with that? Buh-bye. Just leave already.
I am new to this town and am astonished at the amount of dirty politics is here. Public records are public records. What are they trying to hide – their own evil-doings?
The only ones who are making a laughing stock outa Albany my dear friend,is Govt. in Albany.They dont need any help,they do a good job of that on there own.And as far as a bluff,they got the wool pulled over your head i see.Or could you be one of them just trying to stir up more crap.?
Seem’s someone hit a bone Kevin.Uninvited,seems you have a ax to burn.If you are wanting justification and precedent I think you are barking up the wrong tree.Kevin no longer works with them.You know good and well how many crooks are in office.Of course the mayors driver gets paid at our expense.What do you think the papers were his driver was getting rid of.And what was all the stuff that got erased off the computers at the court house.
ok,let me inform you,Al,gets to break what laws he likes,Nathan gets to carry a gun and knife to work,the mayor if that what you call him,i dont,gets to ride all over town to dinners,and to have a few with his buddies.And dont forget there little vacations they all take to discuss Albany,out of Albany,which in return takes money out of Albany.How many cover up does it take to make a dummie get cought?
There are some sick people in this town if they do not see what is going on.And dont ask for records,Kevin has been trying to get them to open the record acts.They have way to much to hide.
And all of the questions you asked Kevin,Maybe you should ask the ones that have done the wrong.Put them on the spot.But i will tell you all the Mayor will say is “CAUSE I DONT WANT TO”his quote.Al Lott,well he knows how to get things done to,they learn from the best.And if you want to know if his driver/body guard gets paid ask him.For as you know,im sure,the Good ole Boys have ways of hiding there mistakes and getting away with it.They dont want the FBI to come in.Kevin reports what he hears and sees.And if you are blind and deaf,i can understand you not knowing all this.Butttttt,i think maybe you already know what is going on,and even maybe have a hand in it?Not acussing.Just asking.Seems you know so much.And Anonymous,How much are the good ole boys paying you?Seems you know how to get them off your back,just pay them off.
They have been payed enough,and done nothing.Atleast Kevin cares about this town enough to let them know what is going on.Some people are just to blind to see.Well when they get on your butt,and tell lies about you,and get away with things you cant,and even get money for projects in Albany that never pan out,and you still dont see where the money went,then just maybe you’ll try to find out some of these things yourself.I got an idea.You go up and talk to the Mayor,the police cheif,Al Lott,Nathan Davis,Postell,and the other good ole boys.See how far you get.Then report back to us here.Kevin you keep up the good work.You know what they say about a holes,there is one in every croud.And if any of you have come backs at me,im ready.Unlike most people who were screwed by the ciyt and it s precious few,i have my proof.But i know how to hold my cards,and when to play them.
We have one honest news source here,The Journal.And Kevin will not let anyone with your stupidness get him upset.He like i have Faith.Faith that there can be change,Faith that the right people can come in and make a diffrence,instead of tearing Albany the rest of the way down.Faith that people can get along,if Govt. stays out of it.The whole Albany Journal staff,and writters that write in The Journal are awesome.And they are trying to make a diffrence.I’ll tell you what,you have your rights,you go along with whom ever you wish.But when the boat up town sinks,maybe you will not be on it.But something tells me you will probley be the driver.If so, I will pray for you.
You know i see people out all day long,none trying to fight for there town.A bunch of sayer’s not do’ers.And as far as Kevin making a laughing stock out of the community,it is people like you that the good ole system has fooled.And you know what they say about fools and there money.
And one more thing before i stop for now,if i miss spell a word,it s ok,no biggie,it s just i get so pissed at stupid people.So my fingers write faster than my spelling.But if you can understand,lmao,and omg,and kma.Then you know what i am saying.
yo Kev….
Does the mayor have a city paid employee as a bodyguard or not? What are the details????? yes or no??
This seems to be a murky disclosure. If this sidekick is being paid by the city, what is the justification and precedent for all other elected officials?….Commissioners should each have a driver and swank Mercedes Benz with tinted windos. Hey, more people would run for the job and the city would improve.
Is the mayor getting a 1099? Seems he should.
You know the mayor wants out. Like Buie, Albany won’t let him get away as fast as he would like until it pulls a fella down. Can the fine Dr. Mayor Adams last another 2…..I don’t think so.
Kevin, as usual, you are right on the money. I’m not saying Dorough is the best candidate but it’s time to put someone else in charge. I told you once before that I would vote for you if you were to run for Mayor or any other political seat.
Ah, an anonymous blog from someone who thinks corruption is inane. Let me guess, Anonymous: Are you someone who is benefitting from the new government?
Get a life, Kevin. You’re a bigger person than your inane ramblings here and in the Journal. Get over it. You played a bluff card and it was “called”. During your time with Albany City Government you were known as level headed and fair and now your crying and whining is making you the laughing stock of the community.
Now now Mr. Hogencamp, all you need to do is make a significant “campaign” contribution to Willie Adams and you will see how quickly things will improve for you.